MobX vs Redux — What to Choose in 2024?

Tagline Infotech LLP
4 min readNov 29, 2023
MobX vs Redux

1. Introduction

In the ever-evolving landscape of front-end development, the battle between state management libraries persists. As we step into 2024, the competition between MobX and Redux is fiercer than ever. In this article, we’ll dissect both libraries, considering their principles, performance, scalability, community support, integration with React, and the latest updates. By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of which state management solution suits your project needs in the current year.

2. Understanding MobX


MobX operates on the principle of simplicity and transparency. It employs reactive programming to automatically update the UI whenever the underlying data changes. The observable pattern, central to MobX, makes tracking state changes straightforward.

Ease of Use

One of MobX’s strengths lies in its simplicity. Developers often find it more intuitive, especially for smaller projects or when quick prototyping is essential. Its minimal boilerplate code reduces the learning curve, enabling faster development.

Learning Curve

The learning curve for MobX is generally considered gentle. Developers familiar with JavaScript and reactive programming concepts can quickly grasp the fundamentals, making it an attractive choice for those entering the state management realm.

3. Diving into Redux


Redux follows a unidirectional data flow and embraces immutability. Its core principles include having a single source of truth, state is read-only, and changes are made through pure functions (reducers). This structure provides a clear and maintainable pattern for managing application state.

Ease of Use

Redux, while powerful, can be seen as more verbose due to its reliance on actions, reducers, and middleware. It is often favored for larger applications where a strict architecture is crucial. The trade-off for this structure is a steeper learning curve compared to MobX.

Learning Curve

Redux’s learning curve is considered steeper due to its adherence to specific patterns and the introduction of concepts like actions and reducers. However, this structure contributes to a more organized and predictable codebase, especially as the project scales.

4. Performance Comparison

MobX Performance

MobX’s reactivity system, which tracks dependencies and updates only when necessary, contributes to its impressive performance. For applications with frequent state changes, MobX often outshines Redux in terms of speed and efficiency.

Redux Performance

Redux, while not as inherently performant as MobX, compensates with a predictable and controlled state flow. The use of immutable data structures ensures a clear path for debugging and understanding how state changes propagate throughout the application.

5. Scalability

MobX Scalability

MobX’s simplicity can be a double-edged sword when it comes to scalability. While it excels in smaller projects, it may lack the structure needed for larger, more complex applications. Careful organization and adherence to best practices are crucial for maintaining scalability.

Redux Scalability

Redux’s strict architecture and unidirectional data flow make it a robust choice for scalable applications. The separation of concerns and centralized state management contribute to easier maintenance and scalability as the project expands.

6. Community and Ecosystem

MobX Community

MobX boasts a vibrant and growing community. While not as extensive as Redux’s, it is dedicated and often provides quick support. The ecosystem includes various tools and extensions, albeit not as extensive as Redux’s.

Redux Community

Redux’s community is vast and mature, offering a plethora of resources and extensions. The wealth of third-party middleware and dev tools contribute to its appeal, especially for developers seeking a well-established ecosystem.

7. Integration with React and Beyond

MobX and React

MobX’s integration with React is seamless, with minimal boilerplate code. The observer pattern simplifies the process of connecting components to the MobX state, resulting in a smooth development experience.

Redux and React

Redux’s integration with React is well-established, thanks to the use of the “react-redux” library. While it may require more setup compared to MobX, the structured nature of Redux can enhance maintainability in larger React applications.

8. What’s New in 2024?

MobX Updates

In 2024, MobX continues to evolve, addressing community feedback and enhancing performance. The introduction of new tools and optimizations further solidifies its position as a reliable state management solution.

Redux Updates

Redux remains committed to its principles but adapts to the changing landscape. The latest updates focus on streamlining the developer experience and addressing common pain points, making it more competitive in the current ecosystem.

9. Decision Factors

Project Requirements

For smaller projects or rapid development, MobX’s simplicity might be advantageous. In contrast, Redux’s structured approach becomes valuable for larger applications with complex state management needs.

Team Expertise

Consider the team’s familiarity and expertise. If developers are well-versed in reactive programming and prefer minimal setup, MobX might be the better fit. Teams seeking a disciplined architecture and a more standardized approach may lean towards Redux.

Future Developments

Examine the future roadmap of both libraries. Updates, community engagement, and alignment with industry trends should influence your decision, ensuring the chosen library remains relevant in the coming years.

10. Conclusion

In the MobX vs. Redux debate of 2024, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Both libraries have their strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different scenarios. Consider your project’s size, complexity, team expertise, and the direction of library development when making a decision. Whether you choose the simplicity of MobX or the structured approach of Redux, the key is to align the state management solution with your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I use MobX and Redux together in a project?

A: While possible, it’s generally not recommended as they have different philosophies. Choose one based on your project’s needs.

Q: Is Redux still relevant in 2024?

A: Yes, Redux remains relevant, with ongoing updates and a strong community. Evaluate it based on your project requirements.

Q: Which library is better for a small project with a tight deadline?

A: MobX’s simplicity and quick setup make it a favorable choice for small projects with tight deadlines.



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