Top 10 Tips for Hiring the Best Python Developer

Tagline Infotech LLP
4 min readMar 1, 2022

Hiring the best Python developer can be challenging, especially if you don’t know where to look and what to look for. This guide will help you find the right one with these 10 tips. Here are some tips on how to hire Python developers

1) Look at portfolios

When looking at portfolios, it’s important to understand that there are two types of portfolios: functional and project. A functional portfolio will demonstrate a developer’s technical ability to tackle specific technologies and situations; in short, it’s like an applicant's resume or CV. A project portfolio demonstrates a developer’s technical ability to solve real-world problems through programming; projects may include innovative solutions, interfaces, and complex algorithms.

2) Is the developer currently active?

A developer that hasn’t been active in over a year is probably not good for your business. Developers need to be on sites like Stack Overflow and Reddit where they can collaborate with other developers and ask questions when they don’t know something. They also need to be publishing open source projects or posting blogs about their development experiences, otherwise, they won’t have any new ideas to bring into your project.

3) Search Github

It can be hard to tell whether a developer is great just by looking at a resume. Find projects that are built-in Python, then check out their code on Github. If you want to find truly talented developers, look for people who’ve contributed to open-source projects. Working with open source is one of the best ways to learn how to program, and it helps professionals build an impressive portfolio of work. It also shows they have experience working on projects with other developers.

4) Ask around

To get started, start with a solid idea of what you’re looking for. Seek out people in your professional network who might be able to connect you with candidates (and remember to give them a shout-out once you’ve hired someone!). It may seem like an obvious tip, but if you want to find top-notch talent, make sure that you are posting job listings on sites that are well known in your industry and receiving a large amount of traffic.

5) Do they love challenges?

A great developer should always be learning. If they’re not ready to think outside of their comfort zone, you’ll be facing challenges down the road. Always make sure that a developer is ready to take on new challenges and learn something new every day. If your interviewee shows disinterest in challenges, keep looking.

6) Are they team players?

If you’re building a team and looking to hire developers, you need to think about culture fit. Not all developers are cut out to work in teams, and it’s important that you hire people who not only work well with others but who enjoy it as well. For instance, if your company is small, consider hiring someone from a bigger organization because they may be used to working in large groups.

7) Where are they located?

It’s important to hire a developer who is in close proximity to your business. This way, they can visit your business location and work in person with other employees who need to learn how to use their code. You can also interview them in person, which will be much more convenient than conducting a video interview or meeting over Skype. If you must hire a developer outside of your state or country, make sure they are willing to travel often.

8) How do you work together?

Before you can hire anyone, you have to figure out how you’re going to work together. Think about your relationship with potential candidates before you start interviewing so that there are no surprises down the road. Some possible options include: hiring them as contractors, hiring them as full-time employees, or even setting up a mentorship program where they will teach other staff members (and vice versa).

9) What kind of communication do you need from them?

Before you even begin searching for a great Python developer, ask yourself what kind of communication you need from them. Do you need someone who will be able to give status updates daily or do they just need to send monthly reports? If they’re working remotely, are there any tools that you can utilize to better communicate with them? It’s always a good idea to have a discussion with anyone that you hire on how and when they like to be communicated with.

10) How much experience do they have?

This might seem like a simple question, but the experience is critical to finding an excellent employee. You want to make sure that they’ve been in your industry long enough to understand it and can adapt well in changing conditions. Additionally, look at how many years of programming experience they have and whether or not they have industry certifications such as CompTIA A+ or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH).



Tagline Infotech LLP

We campaign a team of Developers from individuals and set up the business with a Change + Positive Progressive frame of mind in every aspect of the work line.